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\jP Biodiversity 

The Nautilus. 

Melbourne, Fla., etc.,American Malacologists, inc., etc. 

V. 49 (1935-1936): 
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6 THE NAUTILUS [VoL 49 (1) 

these light bands that pass over the top and the sides of this 
terminal pouchy but there are none externally visible below^ as 
that side is covered by the darker gland of the walls of the 
deferent duct. Internally oviduct and deferent duct are already 
separate. The deferent dnct lies below and is eovered above and 
on the sides by the white walls of the oviduct enveloping the top 
of the deferent duet with its thick glands. The diagonal bands 
are due to folds of the walls of the oviduct which are more than 
half a millimeter deep above and on the sides but much thinner 
below. Evidently the deep narrow clefts between the diagonal 
glandular folds account for the position of the ridges on the 
outside of the eggshell. The oviduct walls also have muscle fibers 
which doubtless play a part in forming the eggshell- 



The genus Succinea is often described as ^"amphibious/* Of 
the species inhabiting Iowa this is strictly true only of S. retusa^ 
though S. concordialis inhabits the muddy borders of lakes and 
streams (never^ however^ appearing in water) ^ where it may be 
associated with retusa; while S. avara, though sometimes occur- 
ring with S. retusa on low^ muddy flats^ also extends well up into 
upland woods in contiguous territory, being our most adaptable 

The remaining species, ovalis and grosvenoriij display certain 
peculiarities of habitat and distribution which are worthy of note, 

Succinea ovalis Say is found in more or less scattered areas in 
all wooded parts of the state. In the eastern part the writer 
has almost invariably found it in low^ alluvial woods^ subject to 
overflow. During flood times the animals creep up on the trunks 
of trees and the stems of coarse plants which project above the 
water; but at other times during the open season they may be 
found creeping about on various plants, to which they may also 
remain attached during drier parts of the day or season after 
forming a thin, transparent epiphragm; or they may creep about 
on the moist ground or hide under logs. During the late fall or 
winter they hibernate under the fallen leaves of bottomland 

July, 1935] the nautilus 7 

trees, lying with the aperture uppermost^ the latter covered with 
an opaque white epiphragm. 

In 57 years of field experience in eajstern lowa^ the writer has 
found but one exception to the rule that this species is found in 
low alluvial bottomlands. In April, 1901, a scattered colony was 
found at Iowa City on the rocky, wooded blufiE below what is now 
the University President's house. They ranged from 25 to 75 
feet above the river^ thus being entirely above the highest flood 
level. After a prolonged search nearly 50 specimens were found, 
all living. They were all under sticks and leaves, and none had 
the winter epiphragm. 

In the far western part of the state, however, this species is 
distinctly more xerophilous, being found most frequently in 
upland bur-oak groves, or in thickets bordering upon them, 
where it occurs scattered ^ or in small colonies. The writer has 
collected small sets in the border thickets on the high hills in- 
cluded in and adjoining Fairmount Park at Council Bluffs, and 
in upland, rather open, bur-oak groves in Mills, Harrison and 
Monona Counties, in all cases on loess ridges, and in some cases 
at heights fully 150 feet above the river-valley. 

These western forms are usually somewhat smaller than the 
more typical eastern forms, with a somewhat longer spire and 
narrower aperture, but most of the bottomland specimens from 
eastern Iowa are of much the same type, though occasionally 
showing the larger form with broader aperture. The variation 
of the entire series is much the same as that which occurs in the 
loess fossils of this species in the same region, showing quite the 
same range in both form and distribution. 

Succmea grosvenorii Lea is the most unique of our species of 
this genus, both in distribution and habitat. It has been found 
as far north as Ft, Simpson on the upper Mackenzie River, and 
it extends southward, east of the Rocky Mts., to Louisiana and 
Texas, Eastward, however, it seems to be limited to close prox- 
imity to the Missouri River, and to that of the Mississippi below 
the mouth of the former. 

In all this range, unlike most of the other species of the genus, 
it is usually subject to xeric conditions, and this is true even of 
the lower Mississippi region, as will be shown. 

8 THE NAUTUiUS [Vol. 49 (1) 

In most of the published reports of this species no habitat is 
given^ — a very common fault of local reports on molluscs, — and 
in several others the habitat, as given, is widely variant from 
that which the writer has observed along its eastern limit. Thus, 
Simpson (Conchologists' Exchange, voh I, 1887, p. 65) reports 
it from the vicinity of Ogallala in western Nebraska, as abundant 
*'in pools of alkali water near the South Platte River^ in early 
spring/' Walker (Nautilus^ voL 20^ 1906, p, 81) states that it 
occurs in the Salt Basin at Lincoln, Nebraska, and at Hackberry 
Lake in Cherry County, of the same state. Hanna (Lc, vol, 23, 
1909^ p, 96) says that in Douglas County, Nebraska, it was 
**found in colonies in wet places,'^ while Over (Lc.^ p. 92) notes 
it as common '^on plains and prairies.'' More recently, Cheatum 
and Burt (Field and Laboratory, vol. II, no. 2^ 1934, p, 50) 
report that in Dallas County, Texas, **it has been collected in 
swampy regions, as well as under thin blankets of humus in 
relatively dry areas/ ^ They refer it to localities (described in 
Lc.f voL II, no. 1, 1933) which are mostly wooded and swampy. 

With the exception of a small set collected in the Salt Basin 
at Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1889, the writer has never found the 
species living excepting on loess banks or bluffs along the Mis- 
souri River in Iowa (as far north as Sioux City), Nebraska and 
Missouri; on the west side of the Mississippi in Arkansas, and 
on the east side of the same stream in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mis- 
sissippi and Louisiana. 

The specimens were usually few and scattered, and this was 
true even in the two localities in which the species was obtained 
in greatest numbers, namely, at Hamburg, Iowa, and Natchez, 
Mississippi. In the former locality about 100 specimens were 
collected, most of them dead, while in the latter about 500 living 
specimens were secured after several days of incidental search. 

Throughout this loess bluffs range the habits and habitat of 
this species were quite uniform. In drier weather the scattered 
individuals were found clinging to the bare faces of the loess 
bluffs, or on the equally bare upper parts of the talus at their 
base, and always on the more sheltered sides, either facing north, 
or protected by turns and crevices in the bluffs. 

When thus found, they almost invariably cling with the aper- 

July, 1935] THE NAUTILUS 9 

ture (covered by a thin, transparent epiphragm) pressed against 
the face of the bluff. The epiphragm is quite readily dissolved 
on the return of moisture, but equally readily formed when 

They creep about in moist er weather, or during the early 
morning hours in drier periods, but close up promptly as soon 
as dry conditions return. 

In the north a few specimens have been found late in the 
season^ evidently tucked away for the winter, with thick, opaque, 
white epiphragms. These were found mostly in sheltered 

The habitat of this species on loess bluffs has probably been 
overlooked by shell collectors because ordinarily no one would 
look for land snails in such barren^ dry places. The writer's 
innumerable contacts with loess exposures throughout the Mis- 
sissippi and Missouri valleys, however, brought them to light 
quite frequently. 

It is evident that this species selects two quite different 
major tabitats, namely, that noted above, and another on the 
plains which may be quite moist or wet, but more or less alkaline 
or saline. To the latter group belong those reported in the 
references quoted above (with the exception of the last), and 
also the sets which the writer has received from South Dakota, 
Kansas and Texas. 

Both types, however^ are distinctly xeric. The plains alkaline 
ponds and moist spots are very drj^ during much of the average 
summer, and even when wet, they are strongly xeric, as shown 
by the character of their scant vegetation. The loess bluffs are 
likewise subject to periodic xeric conditions^ and this is true even 
in the southern mesie climate, for during drier seasons, and even 
during different hours of the day, they may be quite dry. It 
is evident, thereforej that this species is far removed in habit 
from the co-generic "amphibious" and mesophilous forms, and 
is a distinct xerophile. 

As a loess fossil this species extends at least from Illinois to 
Nebraska, and formerly thus evidently reached far beyond its 
present eastern limits. It does not seem to be found in the far 
southern loess, though the range of the modem form extends at 

10 THE NAUTILUS [VoL 49 (1) 

least to its southern limit. The food and resting habits of this 
species are worthy of further study, and this should be under- 
taken by those who live in the region of its occurrence. 

It is certain that both S. grosvenorii and the upland form of 
S. ovalis^ are quite xeropliilouSj the former somewhat more so, 
and that both occur in closely contiguous places in the western 
part of the state, sometimes so close together that they appear 
to be mixed, just as they are in the loess. They, with other 
species with which they are associated, again suggest that the 
climate during the deposition of the loess of Iowa and vicinity 
was not moist and cold, but may have been quite as warm and 
dry as that of western Iowa is to-day. 

The variation in habits and form of these species, quite as 
strikingly duplicated in some others, should also lead to caution 
in forming judgment concerning climatic conditions of past 
periods of time. Hasty conclusions based on individual species 
are always unwise; it is always safer to take entire faunas into 
account. If this were done we might have fewer ** theories" and 
wildly fantastic explanations, but some of our scientific work 
would rest on a sounder foundation. 




In July, 1934 J the Junior author made a trip to the Island of 
Newfoundland for the purpose of collecting its mollusean fauna. 
This territory is, as far as the mollusks are concerned, almost a 
ter^a incognita^ and it is not surprising that new forms should 
be foundj since the region is completely isolated from the main- 
land and from adjacent islands. A complete report or the 
MoUusca collected will be published by the junior author, 

Stagnicola palustris papyracea nov. var. 

Shell differing from S. p. ungava F, C. Baker in being more 
ovate with spire and aperture about equal in length, the whorls 
of the spire not as high as in those of ungava^ the sutures less 
deeply indented; inner lip narrow, the columellar plait quite 
distinct and the umbilical <?hink small or absent; color light . 

July, 1935 j THE NAUTILUS 11 

honi^ interior of aperture light or dark chocolate color; sculpture 
of finer lines than in ungmm. All apices are decollate and but 
four whorls remain, but there are apparently six whorls in 
mature examples. 

Length 18. 6, diam, 10.5, apert. length 10,5, width 5,7 mm, Holotype 
'' 181 '' 10.0 '' 10,5 '' 5Jmm, Paratype 

" 17.1 '* 9,9 '' 9,5 '' 51mm. Paratype 

Type locality: Rocky pond near Whitbourne, Newfoundland. 
Types: Carnegie Museum, Section of Recent Invertebrates^ No, 
62. 26761; Parafypes: Museum of Natural History^ Univ. 111., 
No. Z. 36336 J Academy of Natural Sciences^ Philadelphia^ No. 

This race of palustris at once suggests S. p. itngava^ differing 
in its shorter spire, narrower inner lip and distinct columellar 
plait. It differs from S. p. elodes in its shorter less acute spire 
and obese body whorL The shells are very thin which suggests 
the varietal name. The thinness of shell is probably due to lack 
of limestone rocks in the pond. The race is very constant in 
form and does not appear to vary to any extent toward typical 
palustris or its known varieties. 

Stagnicola palustris perpalustris nov. var. 

Shell obese, with large ovate aperture and short, dome-shaped 
spire, the latter shorter than the aperture \ sutures well im- 
pressed; outer lip thin with only a slight variceal thickening 
within the edge j inner lip rather broad^ appressed tightly to the 
columella leaving only a slight umbilical chink ; columellar plait 
heavy, parietal wall with distinct callus; color dark horn, in- 
terior of aperture dark chocolate colored; sculpture of hea\7^ 
growth lines and impressed spiral lines; surface often malleated; 
only four whorls visible in mature shells^ all spires decollated. 
Young shells indicate that there are probably six whorls in fully 
mature shells. 

Length 19 J, diam. 11, 3^ apert. length 12.0, width 6.6 mm, Holotype 
'* 17.6 '' 10,4 '' 11.1 '' 6,0mm- Paratype 

'' 111 '' 10.5 " 10.5 '' 5.8 mm, Paratype 

Type locality: Pools along Exploits River, Grand Falls, New- 
foundland, Types: Carnegie Museum, Section of Recent In- 
vertebrates, No. 62, 26762; Parafypes: Museum of Natural His- 
tory, Univ. 111., No. Z. 36337; Academy of Natural Sciences, 
Phila., No, 164119. 

12 THE NAUTILUS [VoL 49 (1) 

This race of palustris is at once recognized by its broad form, 
depressed spire and large aperture. It does not closely resemble 
any of the described forms of this protean species, approaching 
most closely to some short^spired forms of 8, p. nuttalliana from 
the Rocky Mountain area. 

Stagnicola newfoundlandensis nov. sp. 

Shell elongated with acute somewhat turreted spire as long as 
or longer than the aperture; spire whorls rounded with well im- 
pressed sutures ; body whorl well rounded ; aperture ovate, outer 
lip thin, inner lip flattened and reflected over the umbilical 
region leaving a small chink; the callus on the parietal wall is 
thin or absent; columellar plait absent or but slightly developed; 
color dark horn, aperture coifee colored within; sculpture of 
coarse growth lines and well developed spiral lines; there are 
six whorls. 

Length 20,0, diam. 9.9, apert, length 10.0, width 5.3 mm. Holotype 
'' 22.0 '' 10.0 ** 10.0 '' 5.1 mm. Paratype 

'' 18.8 '' 9.2 '* 9.0 '' 4Jmm. Paratype 

'' 17.0 ** 9.0 ** 9.2 ** 5.1mm, Paratype 

Type locality: Camp 31^ 8 miles from Lomond, Bonne Bay, 
Newfoundland, Types: Carnegie Museum, Section of Eecent In- 
vertebrates, No. 62, 26763; Paratypes: Museum of Natural His- 
tory, Univ, Ill.j No. Z. 36338; Academy of Natural Sciences, 
Philadelphia, No, 164118, 

This lymnaeid resembles some of the elongate forms of the 
Stagnicola emarginata complex, especially canadensis and on- 
taHensis, The color of the shell and aperture are different from 
canadensis and the inner lip is not turned back to form so flat 
a projection over the umbilical region. Compared with speci- 
mens of ontariensis from the St. La^vrence River below Quebec 
the shell is more elongated with longer, narrower, more acute 
spire, the inner lip is not flattened and the color is much darker. 
A few specimens of the new form resemble certain forms of 
8, palustris elodes but the typical forms have a different and 
heavier sculpture, a more rounded body whorl, a more acute 
spire, and the columellar lip is wider at the lower part and lacks 
the heavy, twisted plait of typical elodes. 

There is great variation in height of spire and width of shell 
but the greatest number of specimens are uniform and it seems 

July, 1935] THE NAUTILUS 13 

best to recognize this form as a species distinct from either the 
palustris or emarginQta complex. 

Fossaria obrussa brooksi F. C Baker 

Shell differing from Fossaria ohrussa decampi in having a 
longer, more acute and t arreted spire, a shorter^ more obese body 
whorl, a smaller, rounded aperture and a larger nmbilicns; 
whorls shouldered ; color light or dark horn, the aperture choco- 
late or coffee colored within ; there are six whorls. 
Length 11.5, diam. 6.0, apert- length 5,1, width 2.9 mm. Holotype 
9.1 '' 4.7 '' 4.6 '' 2.2mm, Paratype 

8.4 '* 4.0 '' 3.8 ** 2.0 mm. Paratype 

Type locality: Camp 31, 8 miles from Lomond, Bonne Bay, 
Newfoundland- Types: Carnegie Museum, Section of Recent In- 
Tertebrates, No. 62. 26764; Museum of Natural History, Univ, 
IlL, No. Z. 36339; Academy of Natural Scienees, Philadelphia^ 
No. 164117, 

This distinct little lymnaeid is related to ohrussa^ approaching 
most nearly to the race decampL Its long scalariform spire, 
short, rounded body whorl, and small rounded aperture will at 
once distinguish it from decampi. It is named for Dr, Stanley 
T, Brooks who collected the Newfoundland material. 




Leda austini, n. sp. Pig. 2, 

Shell of medium size, concentrically ridged, but the ridges are 
few and unevenly distributed ; epidermis thin and in most of the 
specimens taken it was worn off leaving patches of chalky white. 
Posterior end attenuated, beaked; anterior end rounded and 
about i the length of the shell; umbones slightly elevated, 
rounded ; ventral margin convex ; dorsal margin concave. Length 
12 ; height 5 ; diameter 3 mm. 

Range: West Coast of Vancouver Islandj Nootka Light. 
2231-3-B ; Porlier Pass 75 fms. ; West of Gabriola Island 25 fms. 
Type in the Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B, C, Type 
locality off Neck Pointy in 100 fathoms. Specimens from type 

locality and from other stations in the Stanford Collection, 

14 THE NAUTILUS [VoL 49 (1) 

It is nearest to Leda hamata but differs in the shell not as 
ventrieose. It is named for Mr. Austin Barkoi% my assistant of 
the summer of 1934, 

^%- 1' K ""'^^MMESg^^^^M Fig. 2. 

Yoldia gardneri, n, sp. Fig, 1, 

Shell thin; epidermis a brilliant olivaceous color; valves equal; 
lines of growth very faint or absent; base arcuatCj anterior dorsal 
profile not rounded; beaks low, inconspicuous. It differs from 
Yoldia ensifera in the elongate form, and is much narrower ; the 
blade-like processes are not prominent; posterior dorsal profile 
straight, while in Yoldia ensifera it is curved. Texture of the 
shell more delicate, and the shell more ventricose and elongate. 
Length 34; height 12; diameter about 8 mm. 

Type in the Pacific Biological Station at Nanaimo^ B. C. Type 
locality Gardner Bay, Pender Harbor, in 4 fms. Known only 
from type locality. Topotype in Stanford University eoUection, 



During the past winter the writer and his wife have made sev- 
eral trips to the chain of hills and mountains consisting of the 
Indio and Mecca hills and Orocopia, Chuckwalla and Chocolate 
mountains. These lie in the central Colorado Desert, east of 
Coachella Valley and Salton Sink- 

The only land shell previously recorded from this region is 
Micrarionta mille-palmariim Berry^ from Thousand Palms Can- 
yon, Indio Hills. The three forms described below are of the 
same general group as the Thousand Palms species, the first of 
them J however, being much more closely related to it than the 
other two. They all, including mille-palmarum^ have the ar- 
rangement of papillation on the nuclear whorls as in forms of 
M. rowelli^ and may be races of that speeieSj but complete inte- 
gradation with it is yet to be shown.